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Quad Cities Launch this weekend
Mark Klarkowski

Total Topics: 2
Total Posts: 0
Anyone planning on going to the QCRC launch this weekend?

I found out that Tim will not be at our Bong launch on 4/2 and I was planning on picking up motors for our launch then. I was hoping someone was going to the launch in IL this weekend and be at our launch at Bong on 4/2. Willing to pick up my motors from Tim at QCRC and bring them to our launch at Bong.

Contact me at and I can provide you with further details.


Mar 22, 22 7:54 pm
Greg Olson

Total Topics: 13
Total Posts: 57
Good evening Mark. I saw the Wildman today and I have your motor. I will bring it with me next Sat. 4/2. Greg Olson

Mar 27, 22 7:18 pm

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