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Saturday's launch Canceled
Frank Nobile

Total Topics: 212
Total Posts: 72
Sorry, because of the severe weather conditions that is forecasted TWA is canceling the launch. This will be a first. Tim Lelhr from wildman will not be there either due to mechicanical problems with his traveling store. Next launch will be February 14th. Stay warm!

Jan 09, 15 11:05 am
Paul Yarnold

Total Topics: 5
Total Posts: 8
Sorry to hear it Frank, but glad to hear it too. I was worried about frostbite. Not to me, but mostly to you and Dan, Peg, and the rest of the crew who make it all happen. Hope Tim has an easy time getting his machine back in action. I'll put your bottle of white back in the rack...

Jan 09, 15 1:22 pm

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