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Rocket found with RAVEN2

Total Topics: 13
Total Posts: 41
A rocket was found a while back and it had a RAVEN2 inside. I was able to recover the data from the raven. It has had 12 flights and the last 4 stored flights are here

2722' 77deg. outside 237mph
1382' 80deg. outside 303mph
645' 85deg. outside 68mph?
4799' 85deg outside 0mph??

If that data matches some data you have stored in your computer and you can tell me what color the rocket was, I would love to return this to it's owner. Contact Jason @ 630-670-4607

Jul 22, 12 3:42 pm

Total Topics: 13
Total Posts: 41
EDIT 630-670-4608.....not 4607

Jul 22, 12 3:44 pm

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