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Something Launching Off The Ground!
Randy Lutz

Total Topics: 29
Total Posts: 14
Preston Nobile's launch @ ThunderStruck 2012. The LCO couldn't find his flight card thus the strange introduction.

Apr 02, 12 10:02 am

Total Topics: 23
Total Posts: 67
Thanks for the post of Prestons flight. Mike D and I were out in the woods behind launch area getting his Gizmo he flew on a AT K1100. The Thunder Struck site is a very nice launch site as long as you stay out of the wolf park.

Apr 02, 12 3:04 pm

Total Topics: 5
Total Posts: 61

Thanks for posting the video of my rocket. Don't know why he couldn't find my flight card? Anyways, it was an AMW K1075GG airstarting 2 CTI I180SK's, reaching 6,493ft. It was nice to see a good showing of Wisconsinites there!


Apr 03, 12 9:27 am

Total Topics: 10
Total Posts: 57
Great video Randy; great flight Preston. Enjoyed this those Greens are hard to light!

Preston, did you guys give up on Sunday after seeing the rain? It was a slow start to the day, but aside from wind was a nice day after the rain ceased.

Great seeing everybody at Thunderstruck! Hope to get down to the Bong soon!


Apr 04, 12 10:56 am

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