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John G

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Total Posts: 8
Who's going?

Oct 19, 06 2:49 am
Dean Smith

Total Topics: 8
Total Posts: 9
I WAS...I still MIGHT....

But the whole LEUP thing is gonna s**** this up...I think a lot of people who'd normally go won't be there this year.

This is a big event..not just a club draws people from all over the region/country. And the timing sucks too, it's like 2 weeks after the ATF "Final Rule" kicked in.

So I'd be absolutely SHOCKED if the ATF wasn't there in force...using this event to send a message to rocketeers around the country that it's a new world for HPR. Midwest Power, unfortunately, is the perfect opportunity to set an example & strut their jackboots.

Which sucks. I was planning on travelling from Libertyville, IL w/my family & have fun w/my recent Level 1 cert. But honestly, unless I KNOW that things will be 'cool', I can't see that happening.

I read some stuff on the TRF board where someone heard from their cousin's uncle's field agent that if a fully vetted vendor is a member of the club sponsoring an event that other club members could work offa his LEUP & buy motors for that day (he'd literally have to load the engine in the rocket or something and/or fill out the launch card).

Of course, nobody really knows nothin'...these bozos are as vague & arbitrary as can be!

I sent an e-mail to Wildman asking what he knew & what he'd be doing...and I suggested he post something on the TQC/MW Power site to tell us what he knew. Hopefully, he will.

Oct 19, 06 2:17 pm

Total Topics: 2
Total Posts: 9
not me i was for my L-3, next year hypertek m i will have to wait so i can get launch system and tanks and fire a few L size off to get the hang of it, but i am done with tbaf hanging this arounld my neck hybrids from now on for me,,, but the understanding that ATF had with the rocket people, don't seam to be much of a understanding, because a month or so in the POSTING with the FIREWORKS somebody said we the rocket people had something of good working relationship with fatbe AND didn't want this board to start some kind of btafe bash . as allways
sorry about the spelling and hope to see you all sooner or later because nothing like being at bong for a rocket launch jeff

Oct 21, 06 8:28 am
John G

Total Topics: 1
Total Posts: 8
I think this BATF thing is getting blown out of proportion. You're going to miss a good launch if you let it keep you away. Do you really think they are all sitting around plotting how they can catch a few nerds playing with toy rockets? They probably have better things to do.

Oct 21, 06 2:40 pm

Total Topics: 6
Total Posts: 19
Im bummed. If I cant fly high power , Im done. I might head to MWP just to watch.

Oct 21, 06 7:45 pm
John G

Total Topics: 1
Total Posts: 8
You will be able to fly high power. Check out the TQC message board.

Oct 21, 06 8:13 pm

Total Topics: 4
Total Posts: 15

You can't retire that minni magg that easy. I'm still waiting to race you on a J350! And yes, I think the BATF thing is blown out of proportion. Take a look at what the Wildman had to say.

Oct 21, 06 8:35 pm

Total Topics: 6
Total Posts: 19
Wow thats great news ! I`ll race ya with the J350 but not sure Bong is a good place. Maybe on a super calm day.
Ya going down there , John ?

Oct 21, 06 9:13 pm

Total Topics: 4
Total Posts: 15
It's Phil, and I'm glad you found your minni mag . I have the minni mag (LEVEL 2) on the left of the group pic. I'm going for my Level 3 at MWP4 on Saturday. I'll bring the 38/720 case for my minni mag if you want to race there. I'll Look forward to seeing everyone then.

Oct 21, 06 10:35 pm

Total Topics: 6
Total Posts: 19
Yes I remember you. Ok ill try to make it. Good luck on your L3. Gonna do it with the magg ? LOL That would be a fun project .. upscale magg on an M motor.

Oct 21, 06 11:05 pm

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Total Posts: 15
IT IS... same style 30/60/90 fins in a 7.5" x 9.5' airframe, same od green, same white graphics, lost the 2 and replaced it with a 3. See you there...

Oct 21, 06 11:49 pm
John G

Total Topics: 1
Total Posts: 8
I'll be there Kyle. Wouldn't miss it for anything. I'm gonna attempt my level 3 also. I've got a 7.5 inch stretched Pteradactyl that is an upscale of the rocket I did my level one with. I'll be using an M2200 skid. We'll be at the little Road runner camper/trailer. Look for us. That rocket sounds cool Phil. Are you as nervous as me? If you guys want to drag Mini maggs with J350's then Princeton is the place to do it. Assuming the corn is down by then. If its not then borrow a rocket hunter or use a loud beeper. Hope to see you guys there. Come no mater what the weather is. Last year the weather sucked but the launch still went on and was great.


Oct 22, 06 2:18 am

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Total Posts: 15
Anxious and nervous. Just ground tested my ejections. 2/56 shear pins for the drogue, 4/40 pins for the main, 5 grams of powered and it looks like a winner. See you there...

Oct 22, 06 9:12 am

Total Topics: 5
Total Posts: 17
Looks like people are loading up for MWP...the weather looks a bit "iffy", Sunday looks like the best day. I am responsible to videotape our schools football game on Saturday...which sucks! But hopefully, I can get down there on Sunday. Anyone flying "Big Things" on Sunday. Good Luck to Level@ on your L3! Kyle-I'm working on that Gooney...for right now, only upscaled to a 2.6 to fly on E's and F's to see how stable it is. Have a good week. Hope to see some loyal rocketeers on Sunday.

Oct 23, 06 12:22 pm

Total Topics: 6
Total Posts: 19
The Gooney will be ready by Sunday ? hehe . If I go , probably Sunday , I just have the usual stuff ... 1/3 patriot , mini magg and saucer. Nothin new. Im so boring :-P

Oct 23, 06 7:20 pm

Total Topics: 4
Total Posts: 15
Congratulation on your level 3 flight John. I have to try that M2200 skid. I hit 5324' on a AT M1297w without a scratch and changed my posting name accordingly.

Oct 29, 06 7:45 pm

Total Topics: 6
Total Posts: 19
John got L3 ? Yay woooooo ! Good job buddy.

Sorry I didnt make it. I really wanted to go but I have an excuse : I worked 74 hrs last week and today was rest day. I couldnt move my old bones outta bed LOL. Sounded like you guys had fun. Looking fwd to seeing some video of it.


Oct 29, 06 9:37 pm

Total Topics: 5
Total Posts: 17
Congrats to John on Level 3. Someday I might do a Level 2. I didn't make the launch either which was very unfortunate. Hopefullly all went well. I did get a chance to launch some "things" on Sunday morning. Yep, the 2.6 Sky Shreik Goonybird flew pretty good on an Aerotech E30. Put up a Big Brute on a G80 which was pretty sweet, scared the heck out of the morning walkers on the track around the football field.

Oct 30, 06 9:04 am
John G

Total Topics: 1
Total Posts: 8
Thanks. Congats on your level 3 also, Phil. The flight went perfect. Straight up and it hit 6300ft. I still can't believe that "little" motor can lift a 50lb rocket that high. The altimeters worked exactly as planned and the rocket landed about three hundred yards from our trailer. It started a fire at the pad that the fire department had to put out, but I didn't even see that I was so focused on the flight. Not a scratch on it except the ones I put on it trying to carry it out of the house. Sunday was an absolutly great day. Too many M's to count. Wildman flew his. I think it was a 7 N cluster.


Oct 30, 06 1:29 pm

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