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Did A Rocket Get Returned LATE Sunday??
Dean Smith

Total Topics: 8
Total Posts: 9
Right as we were getting on the access road @ about 3:30-4:00...a car waved us over & a scruffy couple (my wife said they looked stoned!) in a scruffy car asked me where the rockets were being launched, as they had found one!!

I thanked them & pointed them down the gravel road towards the "camp"...many cars were still there..and I said we all really appreciate it when people help like that.

They seemed to be going there as we left, but I'm just wondering if indeed these people showed up? Did they ask for/demand a reward or anything? What was the rocket?

Again, maybe I'm being judgemental...they were kinda dirt-baggian, but maybe their hearts were in the right place.

Does anyone know what I'm talkin' 'bout??

Oct 04, 06 3:02 pm

Total Topics: 1
Total Posts: 1
yes. the couple did return the found rocket to 555 dave and 505 mike. they returned it to brian who was out recovering it .

Oct 04, 06 3:53 pm

Total Topics: 6
Total Posts: 19
all the stoners come to Bong ;-) Thats cool they returned the rocket

Oct 04, 06 4:03 pm

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