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great weekend !

Total Topics: 6
Total Posts: 19
Was awesome weekend. A little rain on Sat. sent us hiding for about 10 min and then Sun. was perfect. I finally found my Mini Magg after 5 sessions of combing the cornfield.
It was just off my line where I saw it come down. Thanks to Rick Nelson and for helping ;-)

Oct 01, 06 8:17 pm

Total Topics: 5
Total Posts: 17
Glad to hear you found your Mini Magg. Was it in good condition? You gotta go to Midwest Power. I wish I could get down there on Friday for EX day, suppose to work. I have heard there are gonna be some great projects.

Oct 03, 06 9:23 am

Total Topics: 5
Total Posts: 17
I second your thoughts on a great weekend. I only made it up on Sunday, but it was a perfect day for a launch. I was 6 for 6....on the mid power stuff. I flew mostly new kits. I broke a fin on a Big Daddy I flew with an F25 in it. It would have helped if it had a chute. DUH! With the winter months around the corner, I think I'm gonna work on some Goonie Bird look a likes. Here is the website of the rocket plans. It's mostly small stuff, but kind of cool.

Oct 03, 06 9:30 am

Total Topics: 6
Total Posts: 19
It was in good condition. Costmetically bad. Lots of mud and it was wet. Theres some shred marks on the bottom of the air frame I cant figure out how they got there. Looks like blades cut it or something.

This the Goonie Bird ?
That would be a kick a** upscale project.

Im gonna see if I can make Midwest Power.
later !

Oct 03, 06 9:26 pm

Total Topics: 5
Total Posts: 17
The shreds at the bottom are strange. A little work and she'll be ready to go! Yep, that is one of the Goonie Birds...they're all a little weird. I was thinking of doing this one. Hopefully Ken can help me out with some supplies or I'll check with Tim.

Oct 04, 06 8:12 am

Total Topics: 6
Total Posts: 19
That would look awesome with some 7.675 " LOC tubing. Big fatty goonie ;-)

Oct 04, 06 4:06 pm
John G

Total Topics: 1
Total Posts: 8
That is just too damn cool that you found it Kyle. Just off of the line where I found mine. Good job!

Oct 19, 06 2:47 am

Total Topics: 6
Total Posts: 19
5th time`s a charm ;-) Persistance paid off. Glad I got it before the farmers tractor did. Yep , it was almost online with yours. Yours had to be way the F out there.

Oct 19, 06 5:08 pm

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