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ideas for possible new recording altimeter
Bill Bertoldi

Total Topics: 26
Total Posts: 31
I was recently at a meeting for an enterpise zone at Michigan Technological University in which they are in the process of developing a data acquistion cube. It can easly measure many different things by means of internal boards. If yu wish to chanbe a probe you place in a new circuit board that is about the sive of a quarter. To me it looks like a would make a great recording altimeter. Information is sent to a a palm pilot or to a PC with bluetooth technology. It is my intenttion to suggest to them to see about making this system into a recording altimeter ?the cost of it I believe would be much lower than any one on the market. i am asking what king of things might you like a system like this to measure, temprature, pressure, speed, accelreation, altitude, magnetic firelds, radiation? Are ther other things that might be measureable? please let me know. The device is about 2x2 inches square. Their goal is to take this device to market in education for lab work, but i think it could have great possibilties in rocketry. if you have any ideas about this pelase let me know

Bill Bertoldi

Their web page

Jul 15, 06 9:54 am

Total Topics: 3
Total Posts: 11
Unless you want to put the PDA in the rocket as well this is probably not the device to use. Bluetooth is designed for a 30' transmission range.

Jul 21, 06 9:49 pm
Bill Bertoldi

Total Topics: 26
Total Posts: 31
Yes that but it will allow you the download when you recover the rocket. Some work has also been done to send it down by radio. They may be looking into doing that with the system and they also use it as a remote sensing unit

Aug 05, 06 4:53 pm

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