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TWA JUNE 24TH + 25TH 2006

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Total Posts: 1

It was a beautiful day (weekend) to be out at the Bong to fly some rockets!

Dave Zupan flew Army Dawg on an AMW L-1080 BB to (3) H-148's to (3) I-161's for a great flight!

Mark Koelsch flew a 38mm minimum diameter bird on an I-300 for a neck snapping flight.

Frank Rouschar flew K-ROC on a K-1100.

Chuck Nozicka flew Blind Faith on an AT L-1150.

Dean Roth also flew an L-1150.

Chuck Nozicka also flew his 9.25" HOJO on an M-3000. That motor has a painful howl! :)

Al Casper flew his Firebird rocket on an M-1419 for a great flight!

There were many other great flights! I was not able to make it out Sunday. Maybe someone else wants to share what happened...?


Jun 26, 06 11:27 am

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Total Posts: 4
i flew my Pterodactyl Jr. on a 38mm 2 grain blue ex motor that went kinda sidways. guess she needs some nose weight.
i also flew my warlock on a 38mm 6 grain ex blue off the pad and airstarted a pair of 38mm 4 grain ex whites. she flew to 3600 feet. this was my first airstarted bird. felt so good to have it work perfectly.

if anybody has any shots or video of my warlock please let me know.


Jun 26, 06 2:24 pm

Total Topics: 5
Total Posts: 23
Thanks to all that helped with the HOJO!(Mike Dybl , Ed, Kevin , Justin etc)
And to Scott and Dan who kept pushing the button!
Thanks toJustin and Ed for the great launch photos and Vids to come!!!
(And to Al for the use of his large Pad!):)
HPR is alive a well in the midwest!

Jun 26, 06 7:11 pm

Total Topics: 1
Total Posts: 1

Jun 29, 06 9:10 am

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