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Built Rockets for sale

Total Topics: 5
Total Posts: 17
Is there any interest out there for some built kits? I will bring them up to the launch this Saturday. To name a few, EZI65 (no recovery system) Bullet, Cyclotron, Sandhawk, Iris, Diabolo. These are all Hi Powered kits, some have never been flown! Most have the recovery system with them. I don't have a place to store them and trying to get some $$ for motors to fly. Let me know. Thanks!

May 24, 06 8:22 am

Total Topics: 5
Total Posts: 17
Thanks for the support on Saturday! What a great day for a launch. The weather was great. A few of my rockets found new homes. I still have a few more to move out. Hope to see more people at next months launch. Thanks to TripoliWisconsin for a great day.

Jun 26, 06 8:34 am

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