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Motor Cleaning 201
Al Casper

Total Topics: 6
Total Posts: 1
Like most of you, I believe the boost itself is not the highlight of the launch. The real highlight is when we get home, and clean the motors?? Now in my 7th season of HPR, I have a method that actually works. Many years ago I read that using vinegar as a solvent will make the chore easy. Not So! But I do use vinegar, along with a strong dose of degreasing dishwashing detergent in hot water. I have a container of both solutions and soak the motor closures alternately in them, using a toothbruch to scurb the parts. The detergent will remove the grease, and the vinegar will help remove the other post launch deposits. For the casings, I soak the ends one at a time in the solutions, and clean the threads with the toothbrush. For longer casings, I wadd up paper towels and stuff them in, pour in some vinegar, and push it back and fourth with a cpvc pipe like a piston.
This method is not fast by any means, but I do get clean motors without any abrasive scrubing. Now all I need is a M-845 Hybrid reload, so I clean the motor.

Apr 24, 04 7:56 am

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