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Be aware that almost all HPR motors are now an issue
Norman Heyen

Total Topics: 6
Total Posts: 4
After today, May 24, it appears that any assembled motor with a propellent weight over 62.5 grams is considered by the ATFE to require an LEUP. Check out the other online forums, organization web sites, ATFE site, etc. for more details.

Don't want to be alarmist, but better safe than sorry.


May 24, 03 5:54 pm
Chuck Haskin

Total Topics: 0
Total Posts: 2
Does this mean I need my LEUP before I can make my level 1 cert flight? My LEUP is 'in process' but my first high power rocket is almost complete and I am getting anxious.

Chuck (the new guy)

Jun 26, 03 4:24 pm

Total Topics: 3
Total Posts: 11
This site could use a dictionary...

I'm just starting up this whole rocket thingy and I have no idea what all these acronyms are. It's silly to have to say what an acronym is every time you use it but if there were a dictionary on the site that would be cool.

Jul 19, 06 1:00 am

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